Phil Murray

Phil Murray
Your Reviewer

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Top 5 Mob Movies

With the last two weeks bring a major drought for Redbox and Netflix, Id like to compare lists of top 5 Mob movies.   Here's how mine came out:

5. Casino
4. Scarface
3. Good Fellas
2. The Godfather
1. The Godfather 2

Definitely interested to see what others come up with!!

Feel free follow right from the site or follow me on twitter  @PhilMurv

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Conspirator

History At Its Finest!

The Conspirator directed by Robert Redford, is a civil war courtroom drama that leaves a lasting impression.  Based on a true story, this drama takes us back to the night Lincoln was assassinated.  Following the assassination there are seven men and one woman arrested.  The plot follows the court proceedings of one Mrs. Mary Surratt (Robin Wright.)

In the wake of Lincolns death, Northerners emotions run high and revenge is needed.  Mary Surrat is put on a military trial with a jury of Generals (Opposed to a civil trial with a jury of her peers).  We see this story play out through the eyes of  Frederick Aiken (James McAvoy).  Aiken is a Union Captain who has decided to practice law now that the Civil War is almost over.  His mentor, Reverdy Johnson, delivers him the news that they are to defend Mary Surratt.  Being a Union loving Northerner, the thought of representing someone involved in a brutal act of savagery makes him sick to his stomach.  Furthermore, Johnson appoints the entire case to Aiken, saying "She wont stand a chance without a proven loyal Union man representing her."

As the story plays on Aiken has to make decisions on what is more important to him... Revenge or The Constitution.  Mary Surratt must make a choice between her life or her family.  Aiken must watch as Surratt is basically stripped of her rights as an American and a human being (Thus making his job a wee bit harder than it already was). 

I watched this trial literally feeling Aiken's frustration and hesitation.  The film will truly make one question "What would I do?"   "What would the Founding Fathers say?"
     The only question you should be asking now is, "Where's the nearest Redbox?".

Overall Grade:    B+

Thursday, September 1, 2011


"Not your average B movie"

That's the best way to describe Blitz.  Directed by Elliot Lester, this Crime/Thriller features a psychotic serial killer "The Blitz" (Aidan Gillen) on a cop killing murder spree.  The lead character is Detective Sergeant Tom Brant (Jason Statham).  Brant must piece together evidence to bring this killer to justice, all while dealing with burn out blackouts, the constant need for booze, and keeping his cigarette lit.

Now if you're like me, you'll watch any movie with Jason Statham.  Take for example movies like Snatch, Revolver, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,The Italian Job, the Transporter series, I could go on and on.  However in this instance I was very leery when pondering this rental.  There are no other big names in this film, this is only the directors second film, and it was never in theaters.

However, I was pleasantly surprised.  What you get is the always desired action, violence, plot, and of course foul mouthed Brits that you look for in any Statham film.  The story line is solid and the characters were well cast.  This film will never win an Oscar and probably wouldn't have done well in theaters, but if you like action thrillers that are "Stathamesque" you wont be disappointed with this one.

Overall Grade:  B

Word of advice:  If you have Netflix, they have recently added the film to the instant downloads that are available with your xbox, ps3, wii, or computer.