Phil Murray

Phil Murray
Your Reviewer

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I would like to preface this review by saying it is/was completely unfair to compare this movie to the hangover movie(s).  The Hangover 1 or 2 are movies in their own category of comedy and ridiculousness.  Comparing any movie to these two is [whether purposely or not] setting a movie up to be viewed as underwhelming or sub par.....

With that being said I was thoroughly entertained by Bridesmaids.  The plot is about two women who have been best friends but live two separate lives. One of the women (Maya Rudolph) is getting married and asks her friend ( Kristen Wiig) to be her Maid of Honor.  Enter a new prettier, richer, bolder friend into the mix and all hell breaks loose in the world of women/best friends.

So follows an hour and a half of shenanigans and a slow train wreck of a psychotic break down of Wiig's character Annie.  The movie has an interesting take on a romantic comedy due to the lineup of all female comedians. I enjoyed the film and especially the antics of Melissa McCarthy's character Megan...

This is definitely a Redbox rental must.  $1 is a good deal for this one.  Also guys this is a great date movie, there's plenty of laughs to distract you from the fact it's a romantic comedy.

Overall Grade


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