Let me begin this review by stating I was never a fan or follower of Thor. I always thought Thor was hero with a love for 80's hair metal and blue collar worker.
What I really liked about Thor was the amount of time not spent on Earth. I was worried that this movie would turn into another Hercules in New York. We all remember how great that was!
Thor is a prince of the mighty God/King Odin . He is an arrogant son, who believes it is his time to be king. After a run in with some ice creatures disoeys the king and takes a battle to the ice king.
For this Thor is banished to Earth and his power is stripped. His father must deal with the fact his one son is banished and his other learns a powerful hidden truth about himself. This causes so much stress on the king he passes into a coma.
While on punishment on Earth Thor's brother Loki is causing havoc and trickery while the king is in a strange sort of coma. On Earth Thor learns a bit about respect, control, and thoughtfulness. He Also falls for an intrigueing earth woman. A scientist named Jane played by Natalie Portman (Who could blame him!)
I wont spoil the end of the movie. I will just sum up by saying if you like the the hero Thor you'll enjoy the movie, if you don't like nor follow Thor you'll still be entertained for an hour and a half as I was.
Overall Grade:
I thought it was a great movie. I was never a fan. or followed thor. But as you put it, very entertaining even if you weren't familiar with the comic itself.